Virtual Easter Lily to Support the Fellowship Fund
Bulletin listings are closed, but you are still encouraged to give to the Fellowship Fund.

We’d love it if you would give a gift in honor or memory of a loved one, and like always, we will list that gift in the bulletin on Easter Sunday. To be sure, we will still have lilies in the sanctuary, but we are confident that our generous congregation will give more than we need! Your gift of a “virtual lily” (the amount is up to you) will support our Fellowship Fund, helping those in financial crisis in the Richmond metro area. Easter Lily envelopes are available in the pew racks. You may send a check with “Easter gift” in the memo line, or you may give online ( and select “Easter gift” as the fund. Please include a note with your check or send an email to with your wording to be included in the bulletin.

The deadline for virtual Easter lilies and to be listed in the bulletin has been extended to Monday, April 11, 2022. Thank you for your generosity.