Give Online

River Road Church, Baptist offers multiple ways for individuals to make donations to the church, as well as to outside ministries that the church supports. In addition to the traditional ways of placing your gift in the offering plate on Sunday morning, individuals can set up recurring or one-time gifts online using funds drawn from a bank account or credit/debit card.

Thank you for giving! We are grateful for your generosity to the mission and ministries of River Road Church.

Give Online

Visit our secure site to begin the donation process.

Online Giving through Access ACS

Creating an Access ACS account allows one to securely login, check their personal information, and check their giving record. Additionally, Access ACS allows you to make one-time donations, or set up regular weekly or monthly gifts.

Gifts can be designated towards your yearly pledge, the capital campaign, or various missions offerings. Please note we don’t accept online payments and donations for everything; if you do not see a fund listed, please send a designated check to the church office.


Electronic Bill Pay through Your Bank

The “Electronic Bill Pay” feature of your bank’s online service can be used to set up a one-time or recurring payments. River Road Church, Baptist will receive a paper check from you bank by mail for each payment. Naturally, you will need to designate River Road Church, Baptist as a payee in bill pay, noting your church “Envelope Number” as the “Account Number” as cross-reference for accounting purposes.


If you have questions please call the church office at 804-288-1131 or e-mail the Financial Administrator.