October 10, 2012

Dear Families,

Each year River Road Church places a special emphasis on stewardship during the month of October. This month presents a valuable opportunity for teaching young people about stewardship. Through our conversations at church and at home we hope to communicate that youth are valuable members of our congregation with gifts and talents to offer.

Enclosed with this letter is a pledge card which is designed for students in grades 6-12 to fill out and turn in on “Commitment Sunday.” I encourage each family to spend a few moments discussing stewardship. Parents may want to share with children what pledges they will make and help their children to decide what pledge would be appropriate for them. On the back of the youth pledge card I have provided a list of some of the ways that youth can become involved and serve in our church.

It is our responsibility as adults to affirm and empower the youth of our church. Through our words and our actions we have the ability to show them that they are also persons of worth, gifted and valuable to the kingdom of God. During the worship service on October 28, Congregational Commitment Sunday, your family will have the opportunity to turn in pledge cards reflecting your commitment to give and to get involved.

Thank you for considering how you will use your gifts and talents at River Road Church. I am confident that this experience will be a blessing to your youth, to your family and to the entire congregation!


Chester Phelps
Interim Minister to Students