The drill on Sunday mornings looked something like this: when child #1 was ready for church, he/she sat on the living room sofa until time to go….child #2 and child #3 followed suit.

Once fed, cleaned up, and dressed, we were to stay that way. When both brothers and I (Linda) were “in position,” our father handed to us our church envelopes and money, usually a quarter, or the equivalent of two dimes and a nickel. It was our job to put the money in the envelope and treasure it until we placed it in the basket at Sunday School. We found joy in drawing check marks on the envelope under the headings – Present, On Time, Bible Brought, Memory Verse, and, of course, Offering! From my earliest childhood memories until now, it never occurred to me to go to church without taking my offering to put in the plate. Fortunately, I have learned where the money that my father gave us came from: it was hard work as he provided for his family of five.  We also learned the definition of a tithe and offering was more importantly the belief that it isn’t my money….everything we have belongs to God.

I was born with my glass, not just half full, but brimming over. Whenever I walk outside, or even look through a window, I am overwhelmed with the beauty of this world that God has provided for us. The artistry of the change of seasons fills my soul. I am fascinated with God’s plan of how families are put together, making me beyond grateful for all the joy (and sometimes the craziness) that goes with our nuclear and extended family. I feel such gratitude for good health, both emotionally and physically, and try not to take any of these gifts for granted.

We have found River Road Church a place for which we are grateful, as well. After retiring from full time ministry in another church, Paul knew that River Road was where he wanted to continue his ministry calling. We love the mission-mindset and the solid foundation of thoughtful, intentional worship at RRCB. We want to serve God in this place and are grateful for having been/being involved with the Chancel Choir, Board of Deacons, Board of Administration, FIXERS, Chancel Bell Choir, Family Bell Choir, and the search team for calling our Associate Pastor for Adult Faith Formation. We have a fervent desire for this Church, on the corner of River and Ridge Roads, to make the difference in this community, this city, and the world. It is because of this gratitude that we give our tithes and offerings to River Road Church to further this kingdom reach.  The emphasis placed on the Offertory in our worship service never ceases to touch our hearts.

Our gratitude list is endless, but our supreme reason for giving is from thankful hearts for the treasured promise that is ours of eternal life with God. This is why we are eager to give to God what is rightfully His – our tithes and offerings. Why would we not?

Written by Paul and Linda Honaker


Growing in Commitment, Rooted in Faith