Watercolor 101 taught by Judy Dixon
Mondays, October 11 – November 15, 2021
6:30-9:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall

If you have never previously taken the six-week class, but you attended the one-night Watercolor Art Party, the classes are taught exactly the same way as the painting instruction you received at the art party. The drawings will be provided for you and we will paint each painting together, step by step. This class is geared toward learning the most basic watercolor techniques. The cost of the class is $100, due the first night of class. The fee helps defray the cost of special sized paper for the patterns, hours of preparation time, and color printing costs incurred for each lesson. Please contact judy.griz@verizon.net to sign up.

Please note: Judy has requested that all class participants be fully vaccinated. Masks are required per church policy.