Vacation Bible School

At VBS we will explore God’s Great Big Beautiful World! Your child will experience Bible stories about God’s amazing world and discover the ways God cares for every part of creation.

Kick Off
Sunday, June 27, 2021
5:00-7:00 p.m.

Join us for VBS Kick Off night! There will be a food truck for dinner. After dinner there will be some fun VBS activities to get us started for the week! The food truck, Cheesaggedon, will be parked in the North Parking Lot. (Pre-ordering is TBD.)

All are welcome to enjoy an evening of food and fellowship with friends!

Important Details:

  • Please bring your own chairs or blankets.
  • Please bring a mask with you in the event physical distance cannot be maintained with children.
  • Designated parking will be available in the North Parking Lot, separate from the food truck and seating.

June 28-30, 2021
Rain Date: July 1, 2021
9:00-11:00 a.m.

Since all activities are outside this year, children will be dropped off and picked up in the North (back) Parking Lot. There will be signs posted for where children are to report. Then children will explore God’s Great Big Beautiful World! In the event of rain on June 28-30, we will hold a make-up date on July 1.

Due to COVID-19, VBS at RRCB has special protocols in place including:

  • Maximum 80 children participating
  • Activities will be outside
  • Children will have their own supplies for art
  • Masks policy [updated!]—Adults and children 5 and over should bring a mask with them in the event they enter the building (i.e. bathroom breaks) or if a volunteer needs to closely assist a child. Masks are not required during outdoor activities.

Click here to register your children!


  • Preschool – Completed 5th Grade
  • In order to participate in VBS, your child(ren) must turn 5 by September 30, 2021.
  • If you have a youth (6th grade or older), they may volunteer during VBS week.


We will need volunteer support in order to make this a successful week for our children. The VBS Team is looking for both adult and youth volunteers. A background check is required for adults. If you have any questions, please contact the VBS Team at

Medical Release Form:

We will also need you to fill out a Medical Release Form. Please bring the completed form to the kick off event on June 27, 2021.


If you have any questions, please contact our VBS Team at