The words “To whom much is given, much is expected,” is pretty much how I look at life. I have many blessings in my life. God has been extremely good to me, so how do I give?
First and foremost, I give my time and my financial support to our church. It is at our church that I find the closeness to God I need, and it is where I am in fellowship with wonderful people who mean a lot to me, people who also give, people who love and care about others, people who reach out to care for those in need, whether it’s financial or emotional support.
I also know that even though I have plenty, there are so many living near to me that have very little, many living in conditions that are unthinkable to me, people who have little hope of ever improving their lives. Working with non-profit organizations, I regularly come into contact with children living in poverty. They are kids who’ve learned not to trust and not to expect anything. I can’t not help them.
So why do I give?
I just have to.
written by Jean Cauble
This series is designed to give RRCB members an opportunity to reflect upon their own generosity to God. In reading their stories, we pray that your own life of generosity is encouraged and challenged as well.