Crisis in African American Families
Sunday, October 4
6:00 p.m., LC #102
Frank Kendall will lead a program about his experience with civil rights (particularly education) and our country’s current crisis involving minority families. There is a dramatic situation in black families that 70% of all children born to African-American mothers are born into single parent homes.
After October we will go back to our normal schedule of the second Sunday night of the month.
Following the Apostle Paul’s admonition to “think on these things” (Whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and praiseworthy), the Board of Christian Education and Spiritual Formation is initiating a new “Think on These Things” discussion group that will meet on the second Sunday of the month.
Topics are chosen by participants of the group and could include religious and/or societal issues such as faith & practice, poverty, secularization and its impact on the church, best economic systems to deal with poverty, immigration….you get the idea.
All are welcome!