Romans 1:1-7

by Susan Rucker

Paul Harvey was an iconic radio personality. Broadcasting to a national audience from 1951 until his death in 2009, his Wall Street Journal obituary stated that his broadcasts brought in more than 10% of all of ABC radio’s advertising revenue.

Artwork by Lindsay S.

One of Harvey’s signature creations was the “Rest of the Story” series. He designed his stories so that you wanted to know their ending, then he told you “the rest of the story.” With a flair for delivery and a command of words, he earned his place in radio history.

Our Scripture today is from another iconic man named Paul. This Paul also earned his place in history and had a command of words. In seven short verses he sums up the story of Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection; the promise of grace and redemption; and the call for Christians to live an obedient life.

Each year, we are faced with the challenge of going through Advent. It is a challenge, because unlike the shepherds of old, we DO know the “rest of the story.” We see the wonder of Christ’s birth, but then transition immediately from Advent to the daily work of living our lives as one of “the called of Jesus Christ.”

As we return to the reality of post-holiday life, we need to remember that while we don’t have a radio show, we do tell a story each day in the way we live. Most people know the story of Christmas. Our hope should be that they will look at our lives, and want to know the rest of [God’s] story.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to live our lives each day so that others can learn your story through us. Amen.