Originally published in the 2017 June monthly Explorer

One of the things we love most about River Road Church, Baptist is her deep and abiding love and commitment to our children. We have a sacred responsibility before God to nurture our children in this community of faith. One of the ways we do this is through the ministry of Children’s Church.

Every Sunday, after the offering is received, children in grades 1 and 2 are invited to the Chapel with Reverend Crowley or Deb Gray for their own time of worship. This allows our leaders to worship with the children in age-appropriate ways and enables dialogue and learning to take place. The children sing, read scripture, and engage in activities that relate to the theme of the day presented in the main worship service. For example, on Good Shepherd Sunday (May 7) the children went outside to find things in nature that remind us of God’s love and care. Sometimes they learn about various parts of the worship service; like learning about African American spirituals after our choral scholars sang spirituals in the worship service.

Some have wondered why the children do not exit the sanctuary earlier in the service for Children’s Church. We feel it is important for the children to be exposed to as much of the main worship service as they can handle. By leaving at this later time, the children hear the day’s theme through scripture and song, and they get to see the adults serve in a variety of servant roles as scripture readers, as deacons, as choir members, and as ministers. Also, the offering time is an important reminder to the children (and adults too!) that we bring our gifts, our talents, and our very selves to worship.

We will be continuing to offer Children’s Church through the summer (beginning June 18). Kindergarteners are invited to come during this time to prepare them for going to Children’s Church regularly in the fall.

Please continue to offer your thoughts on how we might best care for the children among us. And if you’d like to help with this incredible and fun ministry of the church, please speak with Reverend Crowley.