2021 Advent Devotions

Colossians 1:15-20 | December 21, 2021

The Fullness of God
by Judy Morris

The incarnation of God is beyond our complete understanding. Sometimes when we see a son or daughter who looks like a parent or grandparent, we might say he or she is the “spitting-image” of that one. If Paul were speaking colloquial American English, he might use this term familiar to us. Paul did say, “…God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him.” (Col. 1:19) What a powerful statement for us to ponder as we try to understand God and Jesus!

Jesus came as a baby who was born and raised in human love. When a newborn baby is born, the potential of that life swells in a feeling of “fullness” in family and friends who welcome that baby. Surely Mary and Joseph felt that fullness, as did his friends and followers. Jesus walked the earth teaching ways of loving and caring for all—the despised, the neglected, the rejected. How better to teach us than to show us as he lived the fullness of God.

God wishes us to love and care for each other. As we read of the people of the Old Testament trying to understand God and His expectations of them, we see many failing repeatedly to follow the ways God wished them to live. Despite God’s many attempts to speak to Noah’s people, saving them from the flood in the Ark, immediately afterwards they went back to their evil ways. The people just didn’t get it. They needed a Master Teacher who would walk and talk with them, showing them the way as one of them.

In past weeks of pandemic self-quarantining, we have felt the “loss of presence” of those we admire, those who inspire, those who encourage, those who show love and concern, those so good to be with and to have fun with. Presence matters. God understands that. The fullness of God and the ways He expects us to relate and care for each other came in Jesus. We are thankful for His life and the fullness of His Spirit ever present to guide us.

“The law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus” (John 1:17). The way became real as Jesus lived it, as a human brother, friend, and teacher for us all, a presence who is with us, befriending us, forgiving us, encouraging us, guiding us, as we invite Him into our lives.

Prayer: Father, in times of emptiness, loneliness, uncertainty, and darkness, remind us of the light, the fullness you sent in Jesus. In the busyness of days with tasks that seem to be unending, give us an awareness of your presence that strengthens. Call us again and again to reach out to others in need of love and care, even as Jesus, in his humanity, showed us to do. In days of separation, remind us of your Spirit drawing us together. Lead us in all we do this day. Amen.