The River Road Church Endowment Fund was established in 1967 “to support or benefit the programs of River Road Church…through direct grants to the Church and grants to the programs and causes the Church supports…” The Endowment Board meets regularly to consider proposals and award grants. It is our joy to undertake this work, and we are grateful for the visionary leadership of those individuals whose contributions have provided River Road Church with this incredible resource.

In 2015, the Endowment Board is especially interested in “Growth Through Missions.” God calls us to feed the hungry (both body and soul), welcome the stranger, clothe the poor, and minister to those who are sick or in prison. Our missions are our response to this call, the work we do to serve God and grow God’s kingdom. It is also true that by ministering to those in need, we minister to each other, and we grow in our own faith.

We are looking for ideas that will help us:

  • Grow our outreach to others – thereby promoting God’s Kingdom
  • Grow our individual commitment to missions – thereby advancing our own spiritual development
  • Grow our congregation – by encouraging the involvement and engagement of members and non- members alike, as they participate in missions projects sponsored by RRCB

If you have an idea along these lines, please consider submitting a grant proposal, i.e., a brief written description of your idea. Note that proposals submitted to the Endowment Board should have the endorsement of one of the following: 1) a standing board, committee, or council of River Road Church; 2) the Pastor; or 3) the Church in business session. Proposals may be submitted at any time. Grants will be made on a quarterly basis.