Tuesday, October 9, 2018
9:30 a.m., North Parking Lot
12:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall

Bus Tour of Historic Richmond Neighborhoods & Lunch

Steven Pugh will be the step on tour guide for this two-hour bus tour. There is no walking. The bus will leave the North (back) Parking Lot at 9:30 a.m. The tour will return to the church at 12:30 p.m. where the group will enjoy box lunches and fellowship.

The cost is $30 per person and includes bus, tour, tips, and lunch. Please make checks payable to RRCB, with “Comma Club” in the memo. Checks can be turned in to Tuckie Paxton or to the dropbox in the Church Office. If you choose to put your check in the offering plate on Sunday morning, it must be in an envelope labeled “LeAnne,” or it will be counted toward your annual pledge.

Please make your reservations by Wednesday, October 3 by calling the Church Office, or filling out the form below.

The Comma Club is a group that meets once a month for lunch and a program at the church. On occasion the group plans a day trip in pursuit of their constant curiosity and desire to learn new things. The Comma Club is primarily made up of senior adults, though it is not a requirement; anyone interested in a program or trip is invited. Monthly luncheons and trips are posted online.