Tuesday, February 12, 2019
12:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
The speaker will be Rev. Dr. Ken Wilson, and he is bringing his guitar! The program will include singing old love songs for Valentine’s Day from “Readers Digest Treasury of Best Loved Songs – 114 All-Time Favorites.” If anyone has a copy (copies) that we could borrow, we’ll use them for the program. Please bring to the church office, to the choir rehearsal room, or to the luncheon itself. Please put your name in the book. If you are bringing your own copy to the luncheon, please let Ken Wilson know at kenwilson6@me.com.
Ken Wilson and his wife, Cathy, joined RRCB in 2018. Since joining, Ken became a member of the Chancel Choir, participated in several services as an accompanist on guitar, and worked with our children’s choirs. He is a life-long musician having studied guitar and recently retired as the Minister of Music from Knollwood Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC.
Please make your reservations by Friday, February 8 by calling the Church Office, or filling out the form below. Lunch is $12 per person.
The Comma Club is a group that meets once a month for lunch and a program at the church. On occasion the group plans a day trip in pursuit of their constant curiosity and desire to learn new things. The Comma Club is primarily made up of senior adults, though it is not a requirement; anyone interested in a program or trip is invited. Monthly luncheons and trips are posted online.
Please call the church office at 804-288-1131 to make your Comma Club lunch reservation.