TFC Archive
TFC-Adults: Wealth and Poverty in the Bible and Today: Borrowing, Lending, and Bribery with Rev. Dr. Samuel L. Adams
November 13, 2019 (Wednesday Night) | Rev. Dr. Samuel L. Adams
Long before the term “income inequality” entered our contemporary vocabulary, the Rev. Dr. Samuel L. Adams delved into the subject as it was in biblical times. For three Wednesdays in November, we will hear from Dr. Adams on the economies in the biblical world and what the Old and New Testaments have to say about financial matters today. He will cover such topics as borrowing and lending, inequality, tithing, and the charging of interest. The schedule is:
- Nov. 6: Economics in the Biblical World: An Overview
- Nov. 13: Borrowing, Lending, and Bribery
- Nov. 20: Obligations to the Poor in Scripture
Samuel L. Adams is the Mary Jane and John F. McNair Chair of Biblical Studies and Professor of Old Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary. His interests include the wisdom literature of the Bible and beyond, wealth and poverty in the biblical world, apocalypticism, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Egyptology, biblical theology, and the Bible and film. He published the monograph, ‘Social and Economic Life in Second Temple Judea’ (Westminster John Knox, 2014). His first book, ‘Wisdom in Transition: Act and Consequence in Second Temple Instructions'(Brill, 2008), addresses ancient conceptions of retribution and the possibility of an afterlife. Current book projects include a commentary on the Jewish sage Ben Sira (Anchor Yale Bible) and a comprehensive introduction to wisdom literature. As an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), he has served churches in New Haven, CT, Chicago, IL, and in Richmond, VA.
TFC-Adults: Wealth and Poverty in the Bible and Today: Economics in the Biblical World: An Overview with Rev. Dr. Samuel L. Adams
November 6, 2019 (Wednesday Night) | Rev. Dr. Samuel L. Adams
Long before the term “income inequality” entered our contemporary vocabulary, the Rev. Dr. Samuel L. Adams delved into the subject as it was in biblical times. For three Wednesdays in November, we will hear from Dr. Adams on the economies in the biblical world and what the Old and New Testaments have to say about financial matters today. He will cover such topics as borrowing and lending, inequality, tithing, and the charging of interest. The schedule is:
- Nov. 6: Economics in the Biblical World: An Overview
- Nov. 13: Borrowing, Lending, and Bribery
- Nov. 20: Obligations to the Poor in Scripture
Samuel L. Adams is the Mary Jane and John F. McNair Chair of Biblical Studies and Professor of Old Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary. His interests include the wisdom literature of the Bible and beyond, wealth and poverty in the biblical world, apocalypticism, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Egyptology, biblical theology, and the Bible and film. He published the monograph, ‘Social and Economic Life in Second Temple Judea’ (Westminster John Knox, 2014). His first book, ‘Wisdom in Transition: Act and Consequence in Second Temple Instructions'(Brill, 2008), addresses ancient conceptions of retribution and the possibility of an afterlife. Current book projects include a commentary on the Jewish sage Ben Sira (Anchor Yale Bible) and a comprehensive introduction to wisdom literature. As an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), he has served churches in New Haven, CT, Chicago, IL, and in Richmond, VA.
TFC-Adults: Introduction to “Soul Feast” with Anna Miller
October 2, 2019 (Wednesday Night) | Anna Perry Miller
Maybe you have thought about pursuing a study that might take you deeper in your walk with God. Maybe you have been part of deep Bible study courses or seminars before and you’d like to consider doing this again. On Wednesday night, October 2, there was an overview of the study, Soul Feast, that begins October 6. This will allow you to hear about the themes that will be discussed in greater depth, learn how the class will function, and decide for yourself if you want to pursue this opportunity. The Wednesday night session will be designed to be thoughtful even if you choose that further sessions are not for you.
TFC-Adults: “This is Us, RRCB” with the Breckenridge Family
September 25, 2019 (Wednesday Night) | David, Leigh Ann, Seth, and Micah Breckenridge interviewed by Daniel Glaze
“This is Us, RRCB,” an interview with the Breckenridge family. David joined our staff as the Minister of Pastoral Care in April, moving here from Memphis. He is continuing his studies as he ministers among us. Come get better acquainted with them and learn about their family, what brought them here, and what they enjoy.
TFC-Adults: The Value of Liberal Arts in Higher Education with Dr. Mark Biddle
September 18, 2019 (Wednesday Night) | Dr. Mark Biddle
Dr. Biddle has been with us at River Road Church previously, is an Old Testament scholar, friend to many here, and a wonderful resource for us.