Adult Wednesday Night Program
Facilitated by Denise Bennett
Wednesday, May 6
6:30 p.m., Assembly Room
It doesn’t matter if you are young or… not so young; it doesn’t matter if you were struck blind on the road to Damascus or experience the opening to God’s love in the most ordinary things. If you have ever gone to church or a church camp, felt awed by nature, or [fill-in-the- blank], you have a faith story! Storyteller and chaplain Denise Bennett will share part of her faith story and lead you in ways to discover your own. Telling the story of how God has touched and transformed your life is a great gift to yourself and to those who hear it. Don’t worry, you will not be asked to “perform” or even talk to more than one person (unless you are a hammy extrovert like Denise). You do not have to be a preacher, teacher, public speaker, or even a grown-up to bless and be blessed by finding your faith story!
Coming up on May 13
- Teacher Appreciation & Educator Award, 6:30 p.m., in the Assembly Room
Menu for Adults: Grilled Chicken, Rice, Grilled Vegetables, Salad Bar, & Pie w. Ice cream
Menu for Children: Chicken Nuggets & French Fries
Dinner will be catered by Balkan Restaurant.
Dinner reservations are required. Please make your dinner reservation by Monday, May 4 at 11:00 a.m. You may contact the Church Office, email Susan Young, fill out the form below, or place a reservation card in the offering plate on May 3.
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Wednesday Night Dinner Reservation’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’# Adults’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’# Youth’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’# Children’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Dinner on 5/6′ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’Dinner on 5/13′ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’RRCB Educator? Dinner Guest on 5/13′ type=’checkbox’/][/contact-form]
Regular Wednesday Schedule
- 5:15 p.m. Children’s dinner line opens
- 5:30 p.m. Adult dinner line opens
- 6:00 p.m. Children’s Choirs
- Cherub Choir, Preschool Area
- Carol Choir, Youth Choir Room
- Crusader Choir, Main Choir Room
- 6:00 p.m. Youth Group, Youth Area
- 6:30 p.m. Adult Program, Assembly Room or Fellowship Hall
- 6:30 p.m. Chancel Bell Choir, Bell Room