Youth Summer Recreation 2013

Once again, the summer recreation schedule will occur on Sunday afternoons following worship. There are several things you need to know: You must attend Sunday school and/or worship in order to attend recreation. You can bring a change of clothes if you wish. The cost...

Business Meeting

Wednesday, June 26 7:00 p.m., Chapel A called business meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 26 in the Chapel to receive the recommendation of Rev. Michael Kellett to the position of Minister to Children and Youth. Childcare will be available during the Business...

Preventing the Unthinkable

On the front page of the Times-Dispatch this yesterday, were new allegations against a local pastor related to sexual abuse of two young girls. The story relates how the pastor was a “trusted spiritual leader” of the family. While guilt must still be proven, there are...

Pay It Forward

Originally published on the Youth Page in the Explorer (Summer 2013 edition). On May 15, I spoke at the Wednesday night program honoring our Christian educators, especially Diane Shoemake, for their service to our church. Mrs. Shoemake reminded the audience that the...