FaithLink: Depression

Topic for September 28, 2014 The recent suicide of Robin Williams has drawn attention to depression and those who struggle with it. What is depression, and what are its effects? How can Christians support people who live with depression and those who are affected by...

FaithLink: The Civil Rights Act

Topic for September 21, 2014 This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. What is the history of the act? In what ways does it continue to be relevant? How does Christian faith motivate us to care about civil rights? FaithLink is a Sunday...

FaithLink: Crisis in Ferguson, Missouri

Topic for September 14, 2014 The shooting death of Michael Brown by a police officer caused demonstrations and violence in Ferguson, Missouri. Why has the shooting generated such intense violence? How does our Christian faith guide us as we seek to understand and...

Renew a Right Spirit

A new year has begun.  September isn’t the beginning of the calendar year or the liturgical year, but it is the beginning of the school year.  And even those of us not directly involved with academia any longer still feel its pulse and that rhythm spills over...

FaithLink: Identity & Faith

Topic for September 7, 2014 People understand their identity in many different ways. What is identity? How is identity related to our self-worth? What does Christian faith tell us about our true identity? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in...