
Originally Published in the November 2014 Explorer Most of the changes that take place around River Road Church, Baptist are so small and incremental they are hardly noticed. A tweak here and there claims little attention, nor should it. A few recent changes deserve...

Ten Years at River Road

Originally published in the October 2014 Explorer “Does ten years as pastor at River Road Church, Baptist seem like a long time, or does it seem brief?” Over the past several weeks, as I neared and arrived at the ten- year point in my tenure as pastor, that question...

Over the Top

Originally published in the Fall 2014 Explorer Sunday, June 8, 2014 was a red-letter day in the life of River Road Church, Baptist. That was pledge Sunday for our capital campaign for the restoration of our sanctuary organ, lights, and sound system. When the results...

The Return of Wednesdays

Originally Published in the September 2014 Explorer Wednesdays did not run away and hide during the summer months, but Wednesdays at River Road Church did. This summer we hosted food trucks and held Vespers on Tuesday evenings instead. Wednesday evenings at River Road...

You and I are Welcome

Originally published in the Summer 2014 Explorer. This year in our youth group, we got a new youth minister. When Michael Kellett came, he left behind his home and friends. He and his family have adjusted to Richmond and to RRCB, in part, because of what Michael...