Volunteer Opportunities: Micah Tutoring at Oak Grove Elementary

Please look for Micah brochures on the missions tables and in Sunday School classrooms. In them you will find several easy ways to help at the school and also a brief description of many volunteer possibilities during the year. Literacy Initiative Training Sessions at...

Give to Oak Grove Elementary School via Target RedCard

We have an opportunity to help Oak Grove Elementary School in an easy way on a regular basis. For anyone with a Target RedCard, for every purchase using this card, 1% of the total purchase is given to a school of your choice. You can select Oak Grove Elementary School...

Micah New Mentor Training

Thursday, July 9 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Ramsey Memorial UMC If you think you might consider volunteering at Oak Grove Elementary School in the 2015-2016 school year, please take note of this New Mentor Training session. Training sessions are held throughout the...

Oak Grove Elementary School Book Donations – Thank You

On behalf of the students and staff at Oak Grove-Bellemeade Elementary School (OGBES), thank you for your generous donation of books to our Summer Book Bus! We are thrilled to begin this exciting program in June and continue it throughout the summer. Our mission is to...