Mar 3, 2013 | Devotions |
Luke 13:1-9 Do you believe that when something bad happens to you, God is punishing you for something you did wrong? In Jesus’ day, many Jews held such a belief (see John 9:2-3), partially because numerous passages in the Old Testament speak of God’s punishing the...
Mar 2, 2013 | Devotions |
Ephesians 4:25-5: Growing up Baptist, I didn’t have much exposure to Lent at the church I attended. Much of my limited knowledge of Lent came from the Ash Wednesday chapel services at my Episcopal elementary school. Once, I asked my mom about giving things up...
Mar 1, 2013 | Devotions |
Amos 5:11-15, 21-24 “I despise your festivals and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies.” Is that really possible – our worship, our singing, and even our prayers can be a sin? The prophet Isaiah raises the same questions when he pictures God as saying, “I will...