The Acceptable Time

2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10 “Ambassador for Christ.” I remember hearing that phrase growing up, usually in the context of missions and spreading the gospel. When I first read this passage, this was the phrase that caught my eye and made me select the passage to write a...

March is Okay

The Christian calendar is moving quickly through 2013; before April even gets here, Jesus will have risen. What does this mean for the church? What does this mean for March? February flourished with activities making it easy for everyone to find somewhere to be active...

Focusing on Our Sins

John 8: 2-11 If you search for today’s scripture passage in other than the King James Version, you may have difficulty finding it. More modern versions of the Bible include it in brackets or even in a footnote rather than the text. The explanation given by scholar...

Power of the Cross

I Corinthians 1:18-31 I was 12 years old when I was baptized. I remember saying the words “Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior” and then being lowered into the water. Another thing I remember about that day is receiving a gold cross necklace from my parents to mark this...

Belief and Behavior

Philippians 2:5-11 During the time Paul was imprisoned in Rome, he wrote a loving, parental type letter to the church at Philippi, a church that was dear to his heart. He had previously received word that there was disagreement and discord in the fellowship. In trying...