Mess up…Fess up

1 John 1:5-2:6 I once knew a woman who went to see a therapist because she and her husband were considering divorce. The woman had been cheating on her husband for several months. She tearfully told the therapist on her first visit that she felt so guilty. The...

An SOS Call to God

Romans 10:8-13 Though Advent is the traditional season of waiting in the Christian church, I find myself more impatient during Lent. At the conclusion of Lent stands the Cross, where sins are absolved and salvation is sure. Lent, however, is fraught with the constant...

God’s Irrational Love

Romans 5:6-11 Some of the very first attacks aimed at the Christian faith came from those who argued that the Christian view of God’s love was just too irrational to believe. Why would a good and holy God even be concerned with sinful persons, much less send His son...

“My Son Was Lost, But Now He Has Been Found”

Luke 15:11-32 This familiar parable told by Jesus can only be found in Luke. It is often called “the return of the lost son” or “the forgiving father.” It is basically a story involving a father and his two sons or an emotional triangle. The reader can easily identify...

A New Covenant

Hebrews 8:8-12 This passage found in the New Testament book of Hebrews is a quotation from the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, chapter 31. It speaks of God’s desire to make a new covenant with the “house of Israel” that will be written on their hearts. The author of...