The Light Shines in the Darkness

John 1:1-13 I first wrote about these verses in the devotion this past Advent, remarking on the depth of meaning of the term “logos” that is so central to this passage. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was...

She Lived Her Eulogy

John 4:7-30 I recently attended a funeral for a woman who spent her life in service to other people and her church. Martha was the woman that helped my in-laws as their primary care giver in the last years of their life, just as she had helped countless others during...

Faith of Our Fathers

Hebrews 12:1-3 What a heritage we have at River Road Church! I am grateful for the faith of those men and women who poured their time and money into founding our church. I am grateful for the faith of those who risked life, family, and resources to settle in this new...

The Prize

Philippians 3:4b-14 When Paul wrote this letter he was a prisoner in Rome facing possible death, yet he was cheerful. He was urging the people of Philippi to be persistent in their faith and to “rejoice” in the Lord. Before Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus he...

"Jesus Wept"

John 11:17-44 It is the shortest verse in the Bible – two words. What can two words tell us about anything, much less about Jesus? Actually they can tell us quite a lot. They tell us that Jesus felt sadness. We also know that he had empathy for Mary and Martha in the...