Cleansing the Temple

Matthew 21:12-17 We know from rabbinic sources that the chief priest, Caiaphas, established markets inside the temple in order to compete with his political enemies who controlled the markets outside the temple. Jesus was not opposed to the necessary business of the...

The Shouting of the People

Luke 19:28-40 During the Passover Feast in Jerusalem, the people from all over Israel came to celebrate this national feast. The Jewish historian, Josephus, estimated that almost three million people crowded the Holy City for this celebration. When Jesus came into...

What is Worship?

Romans 12:1-21 Most of us think of worship as the one hour on Sunday morning where we sit in the Sanctuary, listen to beautiful music, and hear the word of God. In Romans 12:1-21, we are encouraged, not to think of worship as a ritual, but rather to think of worship...

Messiah, Shepherd, Lord

John 10:1-18 In the time when Jesus of Nazareth lived there existed a great deal of political unrest. The Jews were tired of Roman rule and occupation, and some were actively seeking a change. For those who were of a religious bent, there was fodder for their...

What Would Jesus Do?

Mark 8:27-38 While walking with his disciples, Jesus had been preparing them for his suffering, death, and three days later, his resurrection. Then speaking to the assembled crowd and his disciples, Jesus explained how to become a disciple of his: “… Whosoever will...