Easter: Not Just a Day but a Season

Acts 1:3-4 I’m glad Easter is not just a day but a season. Even when all is going well in my life, it takes me longer than one day to leap from the desolation and grief of Christ’s death on the cross to the joy of his resurrection. When death’s...

Dying Love

John 19:17-30 Surely one of the most painful experiences a parent can ever face is watching one of their children die, and watching that child being tortured and executed has to be the worst. Roman crucifixion was designed to scare people into thinking twice before...

A Lesson in Humility

John 13:1-17 The purpose of foot washing is to illustrate Jesus’ philosophy of ministry, which is servant leadership. It’s hard to respect someone who considers themselves the most important person in the room and who puts their needs ahead of everyone else. Perhaps...

A Prayer for Help

Psalm 71:1-14 Because Psalm 71 repeats many of the phrases and themes of Psalm 22, which was quoted by Christ on the cross, it is associated with the passion of Christ and is a common lectionary reading for Holy Week. This Psalm is a prayer for help for those who seek...

Live Like You Are Dying

John 12: 23-36 In The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, Randy gives a great example of living for something more than himself. He bought his first new car and was really excited about it. He drove over to his sister’s house to take his niece and nephew for a ride....