Summer Chancel Choir 2014

Sundays, July 27 – August 31 The Chancel Choir will be singing “summer choir” type anthems for morning worship. If you read music reasonably well, and can arrive in the choir room at 10:30 a.m. sharp for warm-up, you are welcome to join us. This includes...

Pilgrims’ Hymn

Pilgrims’ Hymn – Stephen Paulus Recording by River Road Chancel Choir Robert Gallagher, Minister of Music Recorded on Thursday, March 20, 2014 Click arrow above to listen to Pilgrims’ Hymn.

Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal

The Glimpses of Faith story here is Alice Parker’s arrangement of “Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal” recorded during our worship service on February 16. Our Chancel Choir is under the direction of Dr. Robert Gallagher, Minister of Music. Click arrow...

Canterbury Trip 2014

Between July 21 and 30, 2014, members of our Chancel, Youth, and Crusader Choirs will be leading worship for Evensong and Eucharist services at Canterbury Cathedral, England. This choir residency program will allow us to immerse ourselves in the ancient daily worship...