Education Opportunity for Parents of Children

Sunday, January 26 9:45 a.m., Chapel Hall Parent Education opportunity during the Sunday school hour. An opportunity for parents of children of all ages to gather for a time of conversation. This will take on different formats each time – maybe more a lecture format,...

Resources for Parents to Help with the Season of Advent

What a wonderful time we had at our ADVENT-ure lunch – for children and families for a time of fellowship and learning more about this season of preparation we call Advent.  We had over 80 people to attend.  Many, many thanks to Julia Tyler, Margaret Almond,...

ADVENTure Lunch

Sunday, December 1 12:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall Families will have the opportunity to learn more about the meaning of Advent, to have fellowship together, to share a meal together, and to “create” resources to use at home that will be helpful as we enter this season of...

It's Not Stalking

In the book A Tribe Apart: A Journey into the Heart of American Adolescence, Patricia Hersch argues that we have “a wave of adolescents growing up with little interaction with adults.” She also explains that “most parents want to be the best parents they can be...

Third Grade Bible Echoes

River Road members may recall the four young neighbors who came to church with us over 10 years ago. We would keep them when their parents were out of town or just needed a break, and on weekends they would come to Sunday School with us. Then they asked if they could...