Trunk or Treat

Friday, October 24 6:00 p.m., Back Parking Lot Join us for this family-friendly event for all ages. There will be food trucks, games, and trick or treating for children. Adults, decorate your car and hand out candy! Don’t forget to bring a non-persishable food...

Children’s Handbell Choir

Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m., Bell Room Begins Wednesday, October 1 A new handbell choir will begin for children in grades 4-6. All participating children should have a reading knowledge of music, preferably a minimum of 1-2 years of instrumental study or completion of the...

Education Opportunity for Parents of Children

Sunday, October 5 9:45 a.m., Chapel Hall Parent Education opportunity during the Sunday school hour. An opportunity for parents of children of all ages to gather for a time of conversation. This will take on different formats each time – maybe more a lecture format,...

New Professions of Faith

On Sunday, April 13, David Cipolletti, Drew Gilliam, Wilson Gilliam, John Hubbard, Holden Seward, and Elizabeth Thorne participated in the service of baptism, making public their profession of faith to respond to Jesus’ invitation to come and follow. All of them...

Dinner & Bowling with Children & Families

Friday, August 1 5:00-7:00 p.m., Sunset Lanes Children of all ages and their families are welcome. A great opportunity to invite friends to come along and get to know us a little better. Please sign up below or by calling the Church Office (804-288-1131). The deadline...