Nov 24, 2015 | Announcements
On this first Sunday of Advent, when many people are rushing headlong into preparations for Christmas, it’s easy to overlook the blessings of the season. What are these blessings, and how can we recognize them? How does our faith call us to receive these blessings...
Nov 17, 2015 | Announcements
In the United States, up to 30 million people of all ages and genders have an eating disorder. What are eating disorders, and why are they dangerous? How can Christians offer support, healing, and hope for those who live with them? FaithLink is a Sunday School class...
Nov 10, 2015 | Announcements
In a culture where shootings and violence are all too frequent, Christians are called to welcome outsiders. What are the risks and benefits of fulfilling the call to love others? What is the role of the church in helping ourselves and outsiders experience the healing...
Nov 3, 2015 | Announcements
The horrific shootings this year that killed so many people in schools and in a church have renewed debate around gun regulation. What are the issues? How can Christian faith guide us in our conversations about these issues as we seek solutions to gun violence?...
Oct 27, 2015 | Announcements
The General Assembly of the United Nations has approved 17 goals for sustainable development for nations all over the world. What are the major issues addressed by the goals? How does our faith guide us as we consider what is needed to achieve these goals? FaithLink...