The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Service of Worship
The Lloyd Jackson Memorial Bland Mission Trip Commissioning
11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Sermon by Rev. Dr. Daniel Glaze
Sheep and Sweep
Sometimes in life we feel alone and forgotten. Jesus tells us that God the Good Shepherd has not forgotten about you. With shepherd’s crook in hand, he wants to bring you home. God the Good Sweeper has taken up her broom and she will sweep until every last one of us is found.

Scripture Texts
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-10

Music by the Chancel Choir

The Lloyd Jackson Memorial Bland Mission Trip Commissioning

The Bland mission team looks forward to spending the week in Southwest Virginia doing various construction projects. Wheelchair ramps are our specialty, as the coordinator in Bland saves the difficult ones for us to tackle. Electrical and plumbing jobs can be added to the list as the week progresses. Food pantry and clothes closet assistance is also provided by some of our team members. The Bland team is proud to continue to be a part of the Lloyd Jackson Memorial Bland mission initiative.

Mission Team: Ron Benton, Ronnie Jones, George Davis, Julia Nixon, John Hays, Brock and Bonnie Livick, Sallie Sparks, Harper Alford, Steve and Betsy Lowery, Tom Gilsdorf, Scott Leake, Bill Rusher

Following worship there will be a reception in the Fellowship Hall hosted by the Board of Deacons. Everyone is invited to attend!