Taizé Summer Vespers
Led by Dr. C. Michael Hawn & Rev. Dr. Ken Wilson
Wednesdays, July 13, July 27, August 10, 2022
7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Chancel

This form of worship is a meditative, prayerful time with simple songs, scripture reading, silence. If this is new to you, you are not alone. Come spend some time in reflection in the company of friends. There will be three opportunities for these special worship times, which are July 13 and 27 and August 10. We will meet in the sanctuary choir loft and chancel area and begin at 7:00 p.m. on each occasion, under the fine leadership of Dr. C. Michael Hawn and Rev. Dr. Ken Wilson. Following the first service on July 13, we will join together for ice cream and short conversation about the worship experience in the Fellowship Hall.

To read more about Taizé worship, enjoy this explanation.