Suggestion boxes are now available in the Commons areas. The suggestion boxes are being provided by the Committee for Spiritual and Missional Growth.
Here’s how the system will work. Available near the suggestion boxes are forms on which you can write your suggestion. (If you wish, you can open the Suggestion Box Form from home, print it out, and bring it to church, too.) Once a week the forms will be collected, assigned to the appropriate board for review, and the person making the suggestion (if known) will be informed as to the disposition of the idea. Below you will also find an online suggestion form that will go through the same process of being assigned and reviewed by the appropriate board.
You may have a suggestion about a mission project, an aspect of our worship, a program for Wednesday evening, a Sunday school topic of study, or a change in our physical plant that would make it more lovely or functional.
Mike Clingenpeel’s post, “Do You Have a Suggestion?,” provides some more insight into the process and purpose of the suggestion boxes.
Online Suggestion Form
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Suggestion Box Suggestion’][contact-field label=’Name (optional)’ type=’name’/][contact-field label=’Email (optional)’ type=’email’/][contact-field label=’Phone Number (optional)’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Suggestion’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]