On Sunday, February 2, the youth collected donations for the Souper Bowl (this is the correct spelling). The idea is to make a concerted effort in helping to feed the hungry on the same day that millions of people watch the Super Bowl, enjoying the satisfaction of food and drink. Since its inception, churches around the country have raised more than 98 million dollars.
We were overwhelmed at your generosity in donating to this worthy cause. You donated $488.31 this year, along with over 100 canned goods. These donations went to support the wonderful ministry at the Salvation Army, which helps to show God’s love to folks through providing shelter, warm meals, and groceries. Several youth and children traveled to the Salvation Army on Sunday to deliver our donations as well as learn a little bit more about the ministries that they provide.
Thank you for your generous efforts in helping to care for those people in Richmond who feel hunger in a real way each and every day.