Pre-register for Wednesday Night Dinners Now and Save!

Standing reservations for Wednesday Dinners are now available for the spring. These include 20 dinners beginning January 6 and running through May 25, 2016.  (No dinner on March 23; Dinner will be served on March 24 before the Maundy Thursday service. Standing Reservations do not cover this dinner.)  The pre-paid standing reservation provides a 10% discount from the normal price, so you can miss a Wednesday or two and maintain the convenience of having a standing reservation.

The deadline to sign-up and pre-pay is anytime before the first dinner on January 6. To make your standing reservation, please call the Church Office (804-288-1131) and mail your payment, or make your reservation and pay online* through Access ACS.

*Credit cards will not be accepted for payment on Standing Reservations. Please use an electronic funds transfer (EFT) to directly debit the payment from your bank account. If you have any questions, please contact LeAnne Lane.

Normal Price/Week Seasonal Spring 2016 Cost
Adults $7.00/week $126.00/20 weeks
Youth $7.00/week $126.00/20 weeks
Children $3.00/week $54.00/20 weeks
Family Max $20.00/week $360.00/20 weeks

Spring 2016 Program Preview

January 6: Epiphany Service
January 13: Interim Chat with Dan Bagby & Committees
January 20: Winter Bible Study led by Dan Bagby
January 27: Winter Bible Study led by Dan Bagby
February 3: Winter Bible Study led by Dan Bagby
February 10: Ash Wednesday
February 17: Lenten Series led by Libby Grammer
February 24: Lenten Series led by Libby Grammer
March 2: Lenten Series led by Libby Grammer
March 9: Lenten Series led by Libby Grammer
March 16: Interim Chat with Dan Bagby & Committee
March 23: No Dinner & Programs; Dinner on Thursday, March 24 before Maundy Thursday Service (Standing Reservations do not cover 3/24 dinner)
March 30: Hymn Sing
April 6: TBA led by Dr. Melissa Jackson
April 13: Religion in College led by Bryn Bagby & Andrew Goodman (Rabbi) from U of R Chaplaincy
April 20: Earth Day & Creation Care Activities led by Libby Grammer, Michael Kellett, and Dan Bagby
April 27: University of Richmond President led by Ronald A. Crutcher
May 4: TBA
May 11: Micah Project & Ecology led by Bob Argabright
May 18: Interim Chat Dan & Committees
May 25: Children’s Musical