We are bringing renewal to God’s world with literacy ministries both in the United States and around the world through the work of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel and a rural poverty initiative, “Together for Hope.”

The CBF Offering for Global Missions is the foundational means of support for CBF’s mission enterprise, providing an array of tools and resources needed to live out the Fellowship’s mission commitments of cultivating beloved community, bearing witness to Jesus Christ and seeking transformational development.  Watch the video below to uncover what God is doing through CBF’s literacy ministries, sharing Christ’s great love in Eastern Europe, South Florida, and at the United States–Mexico border.

CBF Literacy and Education Ministries from Cooperative Baptist Fellowship on Vimeo.

Please pray for this ministry. Offering envelopes are in the Sanctuary pew racks. You may also make a contribution online (select “Global Missions”). [General instructions for online giving are available.]