On Friday, August 24, a booklet was mailed out regarding the Nominating Committee’s work toward creating a slate of nominees for the church to elect in a called business meeting. Below you can view PDFs of the Full Booklet and the 20 Nominees.

Nominees are Hilton Almond, Fred Anderson, Jean Cauble, Mark Cipolletti, Carl Collier, George Davis, Bill Gray, Norma Hays, Clint Hubbard, Kate Knerr, Katie Merritt, Eleanor Nurney, Andy McAllister, Susan Phillips, Seth Roberts, Linda Schreiner, Padgett Shoemake, Jane Terry, Laura Thorne, and John Whitty.

  • Full Booklet
    • An announcement of the special business meeting called for September 13 and an outline of the business to be conducted
    • Proposed procedures for the meeting, including the process of receiving the slate of nominees, providing for nominations from the floor, receiving ballots and reporting results
    • A report of the Nominating Committee with information regarding their selection process
    • A sample of the ballot that will be used on September 13
    • The slate of nominees brought by the Nominating Committee eligible for election to the Pastor Search Committee, with photos and brief biographies of each nominee’s history and service to the church
  • 20 Nominees for the Pastor Search Committee with Photos and Bios

Report from the Nominating Committee

Nominee Slate for Election to the Pastor Search Committee

The Nominating Committee hereby presents to the congregation of River Road Church, Baptist the following slate of nominees for election to the Pastor Search Committee.

After soliciting prospective nominee names from the congregation, an initial list of 100+ names was compiled and vetted.

The Nominating Committee utilized the following five minimum guidelines in its selection process:

  1. Must have been a member for at least three years
  2. Must be active in the life and ministry of the church
  3. Must be, as vetted by the church office, supporting the financial needs of the church
  4. Must be in good health and ability, as attendance at meetings and travel are required
  5. Must work well in a team environment, keeping the corporate needs of the church body primary

Our goal as a committee was to present to the congregation a wide demographic of candidates that adequately represents the full spectrum of the body of our church membership. Nominees intentionally represent equally four segments of the congregation:

  • Men, 50 or younger or with children active in church activities
  • Women, 50 or younger or with children active in church activities
  • Men over 50
  • Women over 50

It is the Nominating Committee’s sincere hope that the church will strongly consider electing a Pastor Search Committee that represents the church as a WHOLE, considering the wide demographic of nominees offered herein for election.

This report is made by the 2015 church Nominating Committee: John Whitty, Chair; Tim Merritt, Vice Chair; Kitty Davis, Secretary; Margaret Almond, Hilton Almond, Sherry Sorrell, Beth Wilson; Ex officio: Charlie Early, Martha Day Dumas, Diane Shoemake, and Tuckie Paxton.