Adult Wednesday Night Program
6:30 pm, November 13, Fellowship Hall

Keynote speaker: Robin Beres, Associate Editor at the Richmond Times-Dispatch and Retired Chief Petty Officer with the U.S. NavyAmerican Flag

Veterans Day will be observed on Monday, November 11. As was done last year, the following Wednesday Dean Decker will assist in leading a program recognizing those in our church family who have served our country through military service.

Robin Beres, Associate Editor at the Richmond Times-Dispatch and Retired Chief Petty Officer with the U.S. Navy, will be our keynote speaker. Before joining the Times-Dispatch, Beres served on active duty in the Navy for nearly 23 years. Her duty stations included the Navy’s flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels; Allied Forces in Southern Europe (NATO) in Naples, Italy; Naval Space Command in Dahlgren, VA; and the Navy ROTC unit at Marquette University. During her career she was twice named Sailor of the Year. Her personal awards include the Join Services Commendation Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, and the Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.

Veterans will be our guests for dinner, but dinner reservations are still needed. Just mention you are a veteran when making your reservation and there will be no charge. To confirm the inclusion of yourself or a veteran you know on our list, please check this list, and if you see anything in error or a name that is missing, either your own or somebody you know, please contact Sandi Bassett in the church office or use the form at the bottom of the webpage.

Please come and take this opportunity to say thank you to our veterans for their service.

Coming up on November 20:

  • November Business Meeting

Regular Wednesday Schedule

5:15 p.m.   Children’s dinner line opens
5:30 p.m. 
 Adult dinner line opens 
6:00 p.m.
  Children’s Choirs
– Cherub Choir, Preschool Area
– Carol Choir, Youth Choir Room
– Crusader Choir, Main Choir Room
6:00 p.m.  Youth Group, Youth Area
6:30 p.m.  Adult Program, Assembly Room or Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m.  Chancel Bell Choir, Bell Room
6:45 p.m.  Mission Kids, Children’s Area