Originally read in worship on Sunday, December 20, 2015
In today’s bulletin, as it has been for years, is a statement that reads in part, “Our congregation is an open fellowship gladly receiving those who wish to share in its life and community…” On Sunday, January 17 or Monday, January 25, attend one of the congregational conversations and tell the Pastor Search Committee (PSC) what that statement means to you. Tell us your aspirations for this church, your vision of its future, and how together we might discern God’s vision for this congregation as we enter the time of a new pastorate. Tell us what issues you think are likely to arise during the term of this pastor. Let us know the characteristic and qualities that we should seek in a new pastor. We already know that you want a man or woman who is 35 years old, with 25 years experience, who, forcefully and intellectually, proclaims the Word, relates well to young and old, visits the sick, gives good counsel in time of stress and emotional need, and is our friend. But what are the other important and extraordinary qualities you desire?
We have spots for 440 people in these two sessions. Save the date, make reservations, and come fill those spots.
In the meantime pray with the Pastor Search Committee the following two prayers:
First, the Prayer of Holy Indifference: God’s will: nothing more, nothing else, nothing less. “Not my will but yours be done.”
And secondly, the Prayer For Wisdom from the Book of James 1:5: “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly and it will be given you.”