Wednesday, April 9
5:30-7:30 p.m., Program & Dinner
Fellowship Hall

Seder_PlatePassover is the Jewish festival that commemorates the Isrealites liberation from Egyptian bondage.  Traditionally, Jewish families and friends gather in the evening to read the text of the Haggadah, a book which contains the narrative of the Israelite exodus from Egypt, special blessings and rituals, and special Passover songs.  Seder customs include drinking four cups of wine, eating matzo, partaking of symbolic foods placed on the Passover Seder Plate, and reclining in celebration of freedom. The Seder is performed in much the same way by Jews all over the world.

Why should Christians participate in a Jewish ritual?  The Book of Exodus is part of the Christian Bible and so Christians are indebted to the spiritual heritage of ancient Israel. In addition, Jesus ate a final meal with his friends at the time of Passover. Christians can thus have a powerful experience of their shared roots in biblical Judaism by joining in a Seder meal with Jewish friends.

Our Seder will be an intergenerational event with activities and learning designed to engage all ages.  Regular children and youth activities will be suspended so that families can attend and participate together.  Nursery care will be provided. The menu will be roast beef, green beans, mashed potatoes, and salad.  Dinner will be served following much of the ritual and storytelling that comprises the Seder.

The cost of the dinner will be the usual Wednesday night dinner prices.  Space is limited and advanced reservations will be required.   (Those with standing reservations for Wednesday dinner will be asked to confirm their attendance, though dinner is already paid for.)

RSVP by Monday, April 7, by filling out the form below, calling the Church Office (804-288-1131), or e-mailing Susan Young.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Passover Seder RSVP’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Number of Adults (including yourself)’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Number of Youth’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Number of Children’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]

If you have any questions, please contact Sheryl Johnson.