Originally published in the Fall 2014 Explorer

Sunday, June 8, 2014 was a red-letter day in the life of River Road Church, Baptist. That was pledge Sunday for our capital campaign for the restoration of our sanctuary organ, lights, and sound system. When the results were announced to an eager crowd in the fellowship hall, there was an audible gasp and immediate sustained applause. Pledges exceeded our $1.5 million goal by over $400,000.

In a short, but intense, three months our congregation went over the top.

Rejoice and Give Thanks: God’s House, Our Time was a success for many reasons. Mostly it is a tribute to the faithfulness of this congregation and its confidence in the future of River Road Church.

For those of you who are keeping count, as of our print deadline we have received 254 pledges totaling $2,007,336. Already our members have given $591,633 toward this goal.

This means two things. First, it means we have received more than 25 percent of the totaled pledges in the three months following the campaign. Second, and more important, it means we can secure contracts
on the organ console and pipe work, and get to work on bringing our dreams to reality. The design of the console is complete, and by late winter or early spring, 2015, the new console should be ready for installation.

One of the questions people ask me these days is inevitable—what will we do with the money we receive beyond our goal of $1.5 million?

There is no final answer yet. Two things, however, are clear. First, the congregation will participate in decisions about these funds. That is a promise made at the time the campaign was approved, and it will be kept. Second, the Finance Committee believes these decisions need to be delayed until the funds are received and the work on the organ, lighting, and sound are essentially complete. Don’t look for that to happen until 2016 at the earliest, plenty of time to assess our priorities and needs.

Thank you for your faithfulness to River Road Church. Thank you for the energy you bring to our worship and ministries Sunday after Sunday.

Rejoice and give thanks.
