Sundays, April 14 – 28
10:00 – 10:45 a.m., Adult Assembly Room

As Christians in America we live at a very pressing intersection: How are we to relate well to our Muslim neighbors here and around the world? On April 14 & 21 we’ll re-examine the stories of the Good Samaritan and the Samaritan Woman at the Well, and look to Jesus’s pattern for interacting with a religious neighbor with whom much is shared but much is different. What does a knowledgeable love look like? Can entrenched barriers between Christians and Muslims be broken down? How do “Christian witness” and “interfaith dialogue” go together? Why does it matter for the common good? On April 28 we’ll bring our really hard questions for a roundtable on Christian-Muslim relations, shaped by the conversation, questions, and reflection on the material from the previous weeks.

The series will be led by Nathan F. Elmore, Baptist collegiate minister at Virginia Commonwealth University and staff member of Peace Catalyst International, an evangelical peacemaking organization which concentrates on Christian-Muslim relations.

You do not need to be in a Sunday School class to attend. If your class is interested in attending, please contact Sheryl Johnson (804-288-1131).