On Sunday, April 13, David Cipolletti, Drew Gilliam, Wilson Gilliam, John Hubbard, Holden Seward, and Elizabeth Thorne participated in the service of baptism, making public their profession of faith to respond to Jesus’ invitation to come and follow. All of them recently participated in the Inquirers class offered by Michael Kellett, Minister with Children and Youth. “One of the most meaningful parts of my job is being a part of young people making commitments to follow in the way of Jesus. Baptism is an important part of that journey, and I am honored to walk alongside young people who are passionate about loving God and loving their neighbor as themselves.”

Our son David was baptized. It was very meaningful to our family to have my [Lisa’s] Dad baptize David, his namesake.  David is close to his grandfather, and it was a powerful experience for all of us. We appreciate that he was included in the service.

The baptism service was a meaningful experience for our family. Surrounded by our relatives and church family, we witnessed our son, along with others we have watched grow up in the church, make a commitment of faith. Hearing each child’s faith statement was very special and provided a glimpse into each child’s decision to follow Christ. Readers of their faith statements included parents, aunts and Sunday School teachers. Wendy Graves read the faith statement for Elizabeth Thorne. “This year, I had the singular honor of participating in this sacred service when I read Elizabeth’s faith statement before the congregation. What a thrill to read her precious words just prior to watching her immersion into her new life of faith.”

As we worshipped together, we made promises to these six children. Let us continue to make these commitments a reality as we continue to respond to Jesus’ invitation to come and follow.

We share in your excitement today. Your desire to follow in the Way of Jesus has made you one with us and with believers everywhere. We, too, have made commitments in faith, and today we pledge our support, our love, and all the resources of our congregation as you experience the warm waters of baptism, and as you continue to grow in Christ.