One Wednesday evening last fall at our Thoughtful Faith Community series we were privileged to have as our guest speaker—Joshua Hearne. Joshua and his wife, Jessica, live in Danville, Va. and minister to a wide community of people they refer to as Grace and Main. I was shocked to learn of the high level of unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and addiction that exists in that area. But I was pleasantly surprised to learn of the creative ways the Hearnes live among the people they serve.
They live simply and practice a sustainable life style.
They share economic resources.
They practice the discipline of hospitality.
They have a community garden where they strive as hard to build community among its workers as they do to raise fresh produce.
At the end of the program Bill and I went up to introduce ourselves. We commended him on his presentation and his ministry.
Then he asked of us, “And what do you do? Why do I know you?”
Bill said, “I am a retired minister, seminary professor, and writer. But I want you to know that I cannot do the type of ministry that you do on a daily, ongoing basis. I do not have the skills nor the gifts that you possess.”
Neither do I.
Neither do many of you.
So what can we do?
We can give our money. We can write a check. I wrote mine last night and made it out to [River Road Church] Global Missions of CBF and put it in the envelope that you see in the back of the pew.
My money can go places that I can’t go and do things that I can’t do.
This offering shares in a wide variety of ministries all over the world. That’s why it’s called Global Missions.
We used to have “foreign missions” and “home missions.”
Not so anymore. The world has gotten smaller. This money can help ministries in Danville, VA or—Thailand or South Africa.
Write your check for Global Missions. It will be distributed by Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), our denominational home.
It’s another way that River Road Church can witness to Judea, to Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth.
By Emily Tuck
Originally read during the Worship Mission Moment on Sunday, January 21, 2018
Published in the 2018 Spring Quarterly Explorer
CBF Global Missions Offering
Thank you for your support!
Christmas Offering
December 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018
Goal: $5,000
Collected: $5,283.02
Easter Offering
March 25 to April 29, 2018
Goal: $2,000
Specially marked envelopes can be found in the pew cards, or you may make a contribution online now!