March 26, 2020

We will continue our online worship this Sunday morning. Please join us at The live stream will begin with organ music at 10:50 am. Rev. Dr. Dan Bagby, retired Minister of Pastoral Care, will be our preacher, and his sermon will be Power and Hope, based on Psalm 130 and Ezekiel 37:1-14. We look forward to Dan’s gifts of storytelling, humor, and comfort as we worship God together.

Looking ahead to Holy Week, your church staff is quickly putting together alternate options for Holy Week. Despite our inability to worship together in person, Holy Week remains significant time in our personal and corporate spiritual lives. We will be sending daily devotionals and encouraging spiritual practices as we journey together through Holy Week.

Based on the trajectory of the virus’ spread and Governor Northam’s Executive Order, we will not be able to worship together in person on Easter Sunday. As difficult as that is to realize, we can take heart knowing that will still celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, worshiping together via live stream.

What’s more, we’d still like to have Easter Lilies in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. However, to be good stewards, we will have a limited number of lilies in the chancel because of the small camera frame in the live worship stream. Instead of purchasing a lily this year, we’d love it if you would give a gift in honor or memory of a loved one, and like always, we will list that gift in the bulletin on Easter Sunday. Following worship, the pastoral staff will place the lilies purchased for the chancel on the doorsteps of our church neighbors.

You may mail us a check with “Easter gift” in the memo line (received by Friday, April 10) or you may give online here and select “Easter gift” as the fund. Thank you for your generosity.

I love you, and I’m praying for you.


The building is closed, but we are open for ministry