Click below to watch an important message from our pastor, Daniel Glaze.

March 17, 2020

Dear River Road Church Family,

On behalf of church leadership, I want to update you on our church schedule. This morning, I met with our coordinating council (consisting of the chairpersons of the Boards of Deacons, Administration, Christian Education, and Missions) and it was decided that we will worship online, and not in person, the next two Sundays (March 22 and 29). While all other church events will be canceled or postponed, your church staff is hard at work thinking creatively about what virtual ministry looks like in this current environment.

It is our fervent hope that we can be back in worship in our sanctuary for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter. Before that time, our coordinating council will meet again to determine whether it is prudent to do so. We continue to monitor the Virginia Department of Health and CDC guidelines so that we can make the best decision. While we miss the fellowship that comes from being together in person, we also want to keep you safe.

Please remember that while the beautiful building at 8000 River Road is temporarily closed, River Road Church is not a building. It’s you and me! That means, of course, that our ministry continues. I respectfully request you continue to be generous with our church through mailing in your offerings. Moreover, please continue to provide love and care to one another through calling, writing, emailing, etc. If I can help you or pray for you during this time, please do not hesitate to contact me (804-288-1131) or

I love you and I’m praying for you.

Daniel E. Glaze,


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