Luke 1:39-56

Where is God at the beginning of this passage? Occupying himself with two obscure, humble women—one old and barren, one young and virginal. And Mary is so moved by this vision of God, the lover of the lowly, that she breaks out in song—the Magnificat.

Mary and Elizabeth are wonderful heroines. Luke loves the faith of these women and their lowliness and cheerful humility.

by Elizabeth T.

by Elizabeth T.

We are made part of God’s story not by our merit but solely on the basis of his mercy. He is not for the arrogant who live without regard for him or for others; He is against those who use people to build their own lives instead of using their lives to build other people.

How should a believing community respond to this Song of Mary, the Magnificat? It should respond by faith in this story, readiness to play a role in it, humility to receive God’s mercy and the compassion to extend it. Our City needs a community that believes this Song.

This is not about a leveling down; it is about a leveling up. God stoops down to us, to lift us up to himself in Christ.

Prayer: God, where we are proud, break us. Make us into people who recognize our poverty, our humiliation, who hunger and thirst for you, and then who know what it is to be filled and lifted up by you, and to rejoice in God our Savior.

Martha Lou Green