On June 19, 2016, our congregation joined in a litany of lament for the victims and survivors of the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida, the news of which was unfolding as we worshipped together the prior Sunday, June 12. We prayed, we lamented, we cried out for justice together as an act of worship. Our can be found below, and the resources used to produce them are also linked below. Click here for a printable version of our litany and pastoral prayer.
Litany of Lament
Minister: In the Bible, we learn how to lament. We learn that lament follows injustice and times of great sorrow. In our lament, we cry out, “How long!”
Congregation: Sarah lamented her infertility and asked, “How long!”
Esther lamented her people’s persecution and asked, “How long!”
Job lamented his life of misfortune and asked, “How long!”
Minister: Lament is the reaction to a specific injustice. It speaks to a particular brokenness that the world needs to address. Lament is for those issues only God seems to be listening to. And so, we lament together, a week after a devastating massacre. We name this tragedy, and we call for justice. To the prejudice that divides and separates individual persons from self, others, and God—we say, “No!”
Congregation: Because of God’s greater “Yes!” to the blessing of all people made in the image of God, and of all creation as one body.
Minister: To the fear of differences of gender, sexuality, race, religion, ability, language, or culture—we say, “No!”
Congregation: Because of God’s greater “Yes!” to the beauty, goodness, and strength of all humanity.
Minister: We say “No!” to the wounds made by terror and guns.
Congregation: We say “Yes!” to grief, anger, and lament for every sacred life lost.
Minister: We say “No!” to the slurs and the assertion of power.
Congregation: We say “Yes!” to every person seeking to stand in compassion, and every hand held in love.
Minister: We say “No!” to the violence that invades the sanctuary of churches, the halls of schools, and the dance floors of night clubs.
Congregation: We say “Yes!” to the creation of places where all are welcomed in love, and feel they belong as family.
Minister: We say “No!” to the power of fear and hatred.
All: We say “Yes!” to faith that is compassionate.
“Yes!” to justice that is immediate.
“Yes!” to peace that is brave.