Wednesdays, March 12 & 19
6:30 p.m., Assembly Room

There is nothing more crippling than holding on to anger. Anger, more than any other emotion, has the power to consume all aspects of our lives, distort our sense of purpose, and destroy our relationship with God. Revelation comes when we realize that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves rather than to someone else. Only when we learn to forgive others and ourselves can we truly receive forgiveness from God. This two-session group study led by Sheryl Johnson is based on Adam Hamilton’s book and explores forgiveness in our relationship with God, our families, and with others in our lives.

Coming up Wednesday, March 26:

  • A program on the First Amendment led by Ellis West, 6:30 p.m., Assembly Room

Regular Wednesday Schedule

5:15 p.m.   Children’s dinner line opens
5:30 p.m. 
 Adult dinner line opens 
6:00 p.m.
  Children’s Choirs
– Cherub Choir, Preschool Area
– Carol Choir, Youth Choir Room
– Crusader Choir, Main Choir Room
6:00 p.m.  Youth Group, Youth Area
6:30 p.m.  Adult Program, Assembly Room or Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m.  Chancel Bell Choir, Bell Room
6:45 p.m.  Mission Kids, Children’s Area