Dearly beloved members of River Road,

We are beginning publication of a series of articles by our members about their “take” on their faith as it pertains to living and giving generously. We hope that this will continue the beginning we made in May when we studied Tom Graves’ wonderful lessons on Stewardship.

In a way, these articles can be seen as (1) a thoughtful response to those lessons, (2) as a personal statement by the authors about how they view an aspect of their lives in Christ, and (3) as both an encouragement and a challenge to you in your daily walk with Christ as you seek to grow in your own faith.

In broadest terms this is the Church’s continual ministry to itself and to its individual members: Continually encouraging and challenging both church and individuals to grow in their Christian life of Thoughtful Faith. To that end, we hope that you will find the expressions published in this series strengthening, encouraging, and challenging to your own life in Christ. And it is to that end that our members are willing to talk about their lives in Christ.

We are so grateful for their willingness to share the personal details of their faith with all our faithful friends and members.

Your Stewardship Committee:

Currie Carter
Jean Cauble
Russ Collins
George Davis
Martha Day Dumas
Daniel Glaze
Bill Rusher